Sermon Commentary for Sunday

This Week's Commentary

Transfiguration Sunday C

The Transfiguration Sunday C Sermon Commentaries include reflection and illustration ideas for Luke 9:28-36 from the Lectionary Gospel; Exodus 34:29-35 from the Old Testament Lectionary; Psalm 99 from the Lectionary Psalms; and 2 Corinthians 3:12 – 4:2 from the Lectionary Epistle.

Related Reformed confession: Lectionary Psalm: Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 99 & 100 (Lord’s Day 36)

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Luke 9:28-36 Sermon Commentary

Comments, Questions, and Observations The liturgical calendar gives us a glimpse and experience of glory before reminding us that we are dust and to dust we shall return. Transfiguration Sunday ends Epiphany even as our heels are nipped by Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent—a season where we will try our very hardest to…


Exodus 34:29-35 Sermon Commentary

Commentary: It’s instructive that the season of Epiphany, which begins with a bright star in the East, leading the Magi to worship the Christ-child concludes with Transfiguration Sunday, in which glory and shining, brilliance and light are, again, prominent themes. This imagery would have been at home in the Ancient Near Eastern imagination as, according…


Psalm 99 Sermon Commentary

Psalm 99 might seem to be a better fit for the Reign of Christ Sunday later this year than for Transfiguration Sunday.  There is really nothing in the accounts of Christ’s transfiguration that point to God—or Christ Jesus—as King.  But that is what Psalm 99 is all about.  Probably if we wanted to make a…


2 Corinthians 3:12-4:2 Sermon Commentary

It may be a good thing that Transfiguration Sunday happens only once a year. After all, it’s not just that Jesus’ transfiguration is even to his closest friends among the most puzzling moments in his earthly life. It’s also that the RCL editors seemed to struggle to find passages outside of the gospels that speak…


Sermon Commentary From Other Lectionary Cycles

Luke 9:28-36 Sermon Commentary

Transfiguration Sunday C

Not for nothing are they called “Mountaintop Experiences”! In the Bible, when a story takes us up to a mountaintop, it’s a fair bet that something dramatic is going to happen—indeed, it’s a fair bet that something deeply revelatory is going to happen. Luke 9 is no exception. But the drama up there on that…


Luke 9:28-36 Sermon Commentary

Transfiguration Sunday C

Not for nothing are they called “Mountaintop Experiences”!  In the Bible, when a story takes us up to a mountaintop, it’s a fair bet that something dramatic is going to happen—indeed, it’s a fair bet that something deeply revelatory is going to happen.  Luke 9 is no exception.  But the drama up there on that…


Psalm 99 Sermon Commentary

Transfiguration Sunday C

On this Transfiguration Sunday, Psalm 99 provides us with a tantalizingly different way to preach on that brilliant Epiphany of Christ’s glory on the mountain. In our Transfiguration Day sermon we could do what the disciples wanted to do in Luke 9; we could build shelters/booths/museums to preserve the moment. We could keep retelling the…
