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John 18:33-37 Sermon Commentary
On the last Sunday of the Christian year, we remember Christ as the one who reigns like none other. Having been brought to Pilate by the religious authorities from the Sanhedrin, Jesus is now face to face with the Roman Empire’s power representative. Without pomp and circumstance, Pilate tries to suss out whether Jesus is…
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 Sermon Commentary
Commentary: How are we meant to read the text of Daniel 7? Is it a history book, a mystery novel, an algebra equation? Or is it poetry? Well, how would Daniel’s original audience have received the vision? Context Daniel wrote for Israelites in Babylonian exile, about 600 years before Christ’s birth. They knew the story…
Psalm 93 Sermon Commentary
What a lot gets packed into these five short verses of the 93rd Psalm! This poem is an obvious choice for Christ the King / Reign of Christ Sunday as we close out another liturgical year and conclude the Year B cycle of the Lectionary. The whole psalm is about the nature of God as…
Revelation 1:4b-8 Sermon Commentary
As I edit this, Donald Trump has been recently declared the United States’ 47th president. While this saddens if not angers a smidge less than 50% of his fellow countrymen, it thrills roughly the same number. Americans remain deeply divided in their opinion of president-elect Trump. Yet on this Christ the King Sunday, the Scriptures…
Sermon Commentary From Other Lectionary Cycles
John 18:33-37 Sermon Commentary
Proper 29B
Digging into the Text: It’s interesting that this year Christ the King Sunday comes just a few weeks after a very divisive American election. Actually, as of this writing, it’s not even over yet, as recounts continue in closely fought races. On top of that, the Gospel for this year is a tense conversation between…
John 18:33-37 Sermon Commentary
Proper 29B
Comments and Observations: He doesn’t look like a king. More like a car accident victim. Or someone who went one too many rounds with Rocky Balboa in the boxing ring. Whether you call this last Sunday before Advent “Christ the King Sunday” or “Reign of Christ Sunday,” there is a kind of delicious irony to…
Psalm 132:1-18 Sermon Commentary
Proper 29B
Digging into the Text: Psalm 132 is the longest of the Psalms of Ascent, and bears little resemblance the the themes and forms of the other Psalms in this collection. Many scholars think the Psalms of Ascent were used by Israel especially for the pilgrimage feasts (Passover and Pentecost) for which large numbers of pilgrims…
Sermon Commentary for Sunday
This Week's Commentary
Proper 29B
The Proper 29B Sermon Commentaries include reflection and illustration ideas for John 18:33-37 from the Lectionary Gospel; 2 Samuel 23:1-7 from the Old Testament Lectionary; Psalm 93 from the Lectionary Psalms; and Revelation 1:4-8 from the Lectionary Epistle.
Related Reformed confession: Lectionary Epistle: Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 73 (Lord’s Day 27)