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Though it seems like the bulk of Jude’s letter deals with negative examples, he surrounds the negative with some very strong positives. The key is to slow down and pay attention to why Jude says what he says the way he says it. The main thing Jude wants to say to the community is found…
Revelation 20:1-6
Much has been written about the infamous thousand-year reign and not much of it agrees. Pick up three different commentaries and it is quite likely that you’ll get three different views about what is actually being described in John’s apocalyptic letter. Therefore, I believe that it’s only fair to identify myself within a particular tradition…
Revelation 21:1-27
A City (in) Context I live in “Beautiful British Columbia” (it’s on the license plates)—Vancouver Island, to be specific. The “city” is a boat or plane trip away across the Georgia Strait; people here want the open water, the tall trees and the sturdy mountains. So the first time our church community read Revelation 21…
Luke 4:14-21
Epiphany 3C
Suspense! If you stop at verse 21 as the Lectionary would have you to do and hold off on what happens in verses 22 and following next week, then a sermon on this text ends in some suspense as we wait to see how the people will react to what Jesus has just said and…
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Epiphany 3C
Today there is a great deal of concern about the weak state of the church in western civilization. Millions have left the church to join the ranks of the “nones.” That is a serious problem, but I want to suggest that an even greater problem is the one Paul addresses in our text on this…
Matthew 15:1-20
Angles, insights, and illustrations as entry points into the text and sermon Inside and Out Preachers as well as parishioners know intuitively that there is much at stake in a text like Matthew 15. What is at stake here, and how high the stakes are becomes obvious as we probe more deeply. In the text,…
Luke 1:5-25
Introduction of important themes – teeing up the text Luke’s gospel begins with his acknowledgement that he is not an eyewitness but a researcher, corresponder and narrator of what he will share with us. The author has done his homework. Seen as a unit, Luke and Acts reveal a keen awareness of important theological themes…
Revelation 12:1-17
Special Handling Instructions: Revelation’s Imagery Older preaching audiences are going to be more challenged by Revelation’s images than younger ones. Younger audiences have been shaped by apocalyptic television and movie images which include tsunamis higher than skyscrapers, seismic yawns that swallow whole cities, and asteroids whose impact effectively uncreate creation. Younger hearers have had an…
Matthew 11:7-19
Have you ever said that about yourself that you are greater than King David? Or have you ever said that you are greater than Solomon? Jesus says that the least in the kingdom are greater than John the Baptist and John the Baptist is greater than all who came before him. Which means you are…
2 Corinthians 2:12-3:6
The gospel brings trials and trouble and in life. Paul has suffered greatly for the sake of the gospel and because of this there are those who doubt his apostolic authority. Paul in vss. 12-13 describes the burden on his heart for the church. There is cause for thanks however. If you choose to take…
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