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Luke 5:1-11
Epiphany 5C
I’m intrigued by the way Jesus enlists Simon Peter at each stage of this miracle, and how, by doing so, Jesus leads Peter to conversion. The story begins with Jesus teaching a large group of people. As more and more gather and push in on him in order to hear his unique take on the…
1 Corinthians 13:1-13
Epiphany 4C
Have you ever wondered why Paul calls love the “greatest [meizon*] of these” (13:13)? Why did the Spirit inspire him to refer to the gift of love as even greater than the great gifts of faith and hope? After all, while love is great, faith is God’s great gift that equips us to receive God’s…
Luke 4:21-30
Epiphany 4C
We really run the gamut of human emotions during Jesus’s first preaching assignment in his hometown. How does the congregation go from being amazed, all eyes fixed on Jesus, to so livid with him that they try to lynch him? I emphasised the moment of the Holy Spirit at work as Jesus preached in the…
1 Corinthians 12:12-31a
Epiphany 3C
This Sunday’s Epistolary Lesson in some ways turns its hearers’ attention away from the well-being of all people toward the well-being of Christ’s Body, the Church. Yet while it to some extent focuses on inward rather than outward matters, Paul does not ignore the “common good” (1 Corinthians 12:7). Rather, he implies that the Church…
Luke 4:14-21
Epiphany 3C
Jesus’s opening teaching session in the gospel of Luke is divided between this week and next. The division affords us the opportunity to hold off on the challenge that Jesus’s prophetic voice will always bring to us as we listen to him. And in light of the Epiphany season, we can read our current text…
John 2:1-11
Epiphany 2C
Every time the lectionary brings us back to this story, I appreciate the symbolic nature of Jesus’s miracle more and more. Perhaps it’s because I’ve lived another three years and had all the more time to experience the goodness of the Lord—that is, if I was curious enough to wonder where the good times came…
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Epiphany 2C
On this third Sunday in the year of our Lord, 2025 the RCL turns our attention toward the end of Paul’s first letter to the sometimes-contentious bunch of Jesus’ followers who live in Corinth. Hard on the heels of scolding them about some of their practices surrounding the Lord’s Supper the apostle directs his hearers’…
Acts 8:14-17
Epiphany 1C
While baptism is among the most central practices of the Christian faith, it also remains among Christianity’s most divisive issues. Baptism is one of the two sacraments that Protestant Christians recognize. Yet Jesus’ followers remain deeply divided about especially when and how it should be administered. It’s perhaps disappointing, then, that on this Sunday on…
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
Epiphany 1C
We’re well into the new year now. The decorations have come down, holiday breaks are over, life is getting back to normal and we’re all getting back to it. When it comes to Jesus’s ministry, Luke, it seems, also wants to get on with it: unlike Matthew and Mark and John, Luke puts Jesus’s baptism…
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