Home » March 26, 2023 - Lent 5A
Ezekiel 37:1-14 Sermon Commentary
Lent 5A
Sample sermon: It is a sad statement on the last 100 years that we can rather easily imagine the scene Ezekiel describes in his famous 37th chapter. Whether or not the people in Ezekiel’s original audience had ever seen such a valley full of bones, we have. We’ve seen the mass graves of Auschwitz and…
Psalm 130 Sermon Commentary
Lent 5A
This poem is labeled a “Psalm of Ascent” but it starts as a Psalm of Descent. It is called De Profundis in older Bibles—the Latin for “from the depths.” When last this came up for the Lectionary Year A Fifth Sunday in Lent in 2020, the initial COVID lockdown was in its second week. Some…
John 11:1-45 Sermon Commentary
Lent 5A
Comments, Questions, and Observations The word “love” is used only three times to describe Jesus’s feelings for the siblings, Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, but it permeates the entire narrative. Mary and Martha send a message to Jesus to let him know that their shared beloved, Lazarus, is ill to the point of death. Jesus tells…
Romans 8:6-11 Sermon Commentary
Lent 5A
Remote controlled vehicles, whether cars, boats or even airplanes, make wonderful toys. So wonderful, in fact, that children sometimes argue and even fight over who will control them. There’s something about completely controlling something’s movements that can prove to be almost irresistible. But you’ve ever watched two children grapple over the same “joystick” you’ve probably…
Commentary posted on March 20, 2023
Lent 5A Sermon Commentary
The Lent 5A Sermon Commentaries include reflection and illustration ideas for John 11:1-45 from the Lectionary Gospel; Ezekiel 37:1-14 from the Old Testament Lectionary; Psalm 130 from the Lectionary Psalms; and Romans 8:6-11 from the Lectionary Epistle.
Related Reformed confession: Lectionary Epistle: Belgic Confession Article 14