Sermon Commentary Library

Our weekly sermon commentaries are Lectionary-based, which across its three-year cycle, encompass a vast array of biblical texts. Filter the Sermon Commentary Library to search Scripture texts by book and chapter to find commentary, illustrations, and reflections to spark ideas.

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Psalm 54 Sermon Commentary

Proper 20B

Psalm 54 tells a story in just seven short verses.  Like most if not all of the stories the psalms tell, it is a very generic tale.  We have no precise clue who the psalmist is, who his enemies are, exactly what actions the enemies take, or what God does to earn the praise he…

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James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a Sermon Commentary

Proper 20B

I recently conducted a wedding of a dear brother and sister in Christ. Since they weren’t especially fussy about the shape and substance of the wedding service, they largely left its planning to me. That left to me the question of whether to ask the bride to “submit” to her husband. After all, the order…

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Proverbs 31 Sermon Commentary

Proper 20B

Content Warning Because the Biblical text overwhelmingly centers male characters in a way that is unsurprising for ancient near-eastern literature, every women’s devotional writer and preacher tasked with a Mother’s Day sermon takes a turn with Proverbs 31.  The result is over-used and over-wrought exegesis.  Unfortunately, far too many women and girls in our churches…

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Mark 9:30-37 Sermon Commentary

Proper 20B

God gives us many opportunities to learn humility. As we join Jesus and the disciples on the road, we are met with an all too recognizable human pattern of response to such chances. Jesus has returned to what’s about to happen, talking with his disciples about his suffering, dying, and rising while they walk. This…

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Psalm 116:1-9 Sermon Commentary

Proper 19B

One of the benefits of the fact that psalms are not tied to any obvious specific set of circumstances is that they can be applied to a wide variety of experiences whether or not those exactly match whatever any given psalmist was talking about.  In the case of Psalm 116, one could surmise this was…

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James 3:1-12 Sermon Commentary

Proper 19B

It’s not a little ironic that most of us who preach this Sunday on the potential dangers and blessings of the use of our tongues will do so with our tongues. So we do well to let the Spirit speak to us through James 3 before we even begin to preach. After all, it strongly…

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Proverbs 1:20-33 Sermon Commentary

Proper 19B

Wisdom Personified Tackling this week’s lectionary text from the first chapter of Proverbs, with next week’s text from the last chapter in mind, it may be worth considering making a short series out of the two together.  The first thing that holds them both together is the theme of wisdom and, particularly, the way wisdom…

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Mark 8:27-38 Sermon Commentary

Proper 19B

This week’s text is a masterclass in understanding confession and repentance in the grandest sense possible. When it comes down to what we confess with our mouths, what do we believe in our hearts and minds? And what consequences does it have in our lives? Jesus asks his disciples what they’ve heard other people believe…

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Mark 7:24-37 Sermon Commentary

Proper 18B

Past sermon commentaries have talked about the uneasy conversation between Jesus and the Syrophoenician woman so I invite you to explore those by using the passage filter on our website. This week, I’d like to think about the things that are similar in both of the healings in our lectionary passage. In Mark the Messianic…

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