Sermon Commentary Library

Our weekly sermon commentaries are Lectionary-based, which across its three-year cycle, encompass a vast array of biblical texts. Filter the Sermon Commentary Library to search Scripture texts by book and chapter to find commentary, illustrations, and reflections to spark ideas.

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Job 1:1; 2:1-10 Sermon Commentary

Proper 22B

Once Upon a Time… Love it or hate it, Job rarely allows a neutral reading.  However, we can, perhaps, safeguard against the worst interpretations by stopping at the outset to clarify the text’s genre.  According to Hebrew scholar, Robert Alter, the interpretive key may be found in the very first verse: “A man there was…

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Mark 10:2-16 Sermon Commentary

Proper 22B

These two texts are more than a bit difficult to homiletically combine. They mostly share a setting, as Jesus and the disciples transition from a conversation with the Pharisees and enter yet another house where children are present. In terms of the lectionary sequence, we’ll be staying put in chapter ten for the whole month…

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Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12 Sermon Commentary

Proper 22B

During a recent Sabbath dinner, a Jewish acquaintance asked my wife and me, “Who do you pray to – Jesus or God?” I told her that while it was very hard to explain, we profess that Jesus is God. However, for Jewish people who are deeply steeped in monotheism this is almost impossible to understand….

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Psalm 8 Sermon Commentary

Proper 22B

Psalm 8 swiftly sums up something that the Israelites found as amazing as anything else they could think of.  Yes, the psalm is about the majesty of God and that is awesome enough.  And the psalmist sees that majesty of God chiefly in the things that this great God created and most especially the wonders…

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Mark 9:38-50 Sermon Commentary

Proper 21B

They were arguing about who among them was the greatest. Let’s not forget that context while we read this week’s lectionary text. The disciples were afraid because they didn’t understand what Jesus was talking about, so they turned to an ego boosting exercise that backfires. They know they aren’t showing much maturity, staying silent when…

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Esther 7:1-6, 9-10, 9:20-22 Sermon Commentary

Proper 21B

Wisdom Personified Personified In her commentary on Esther for the Africana Bible Commentary, Dorothy Bea Akot identifies the genre of this text as a royal court intrigue or a Sophia/Wisdom tale.  For those of us following the Lectionary texts of Hebrew Scripture.  I am, on occasion, critical of what the Lectionary has chosen to leave…

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James 5:13-20 Sermon Commentary

Proper 21B

Jesus’ most faithful followers are often people of faith in action. We want to actively love God above all and our neighbors as ourselves. Christians feel called and expected by God to do things like share the gospel, worship the Lord, care for people who are materially needy and be good stewards of God’s creation….

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Psalm 19:7-14 Sermon Commentary

Proper 21B

We all recognize that rules and regulations are simply a part of life.  Mostly, however, we are only too happy to dispense with recitations of such things as quickly as possible.  Anyone who has ever flown on a commercial airline know that before the flight can begin, the flight attendants have to run through their…

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Psalm 54 Sermon Commentary

Proper 20B

Psalm 54 tells a story in just seven short verses.  Like most if not all of the stories the psalms tell, it is a very generic tale.  We have no precise clue who the psalmist is, who his enemies are, exactly what actions the enemies take, or what God does to earn the praise he…

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