Sermon Commentary Library

Our weekly sermon commentaries are Lectionary-based, which across its three-year cycle, encompass a vast array of biblical texts. Filter the Sermon Commentary Library to search Scripture texts by book and chapter to find commentary, illustrations, and reflections to spark ideas.

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Psalm 80:1-7 Sermon Commentary

Advent 4C

If you pay close attention to the Psalm readings across the three-year cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary, then you know the Lectionary likes Psalm 80.  But it never manages to assign the whole psalm.  Either you get just the first seven verses (as here for Advent 4C) or nine verses from the middle of…

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Hebrews 10:5-10 Sermon Commentary

Advent 4C

This Sunday’s Epistolary Lesson offers preachers one more opportunity to publicly reflect on how God comes to us in the here and now. Hebrews’ author, after all, professes in verse 10 that “we have been made holy [hagiasmenoi*] through the sacrifice [prosphoras] of the body of Jesus Christ once for all [ephapax].” On this last…

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Luke 1:39-45 (46-55) Sermon Commentary

Advent 4C

We don’t hear Mary and the angel’s conversation this year but we do witness its aftereffects. Seized with anticipation of a fellow miracle-receiver, Mary hastens to the countryside to find her elder cousin Elizabeth. The thing is, we’re told that Mary was given the scoop about Elizabeth’s pregnancy from the angel Gabriel, but not vice…

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Micah 5:2-5 Sermon Commentary

Advent 4C

Illustration: Depending on how churches structure their worship services for the holidays, this may function as a kind-of Christmas preview or, at least, one last Sunday before the Christmas Eve or Christmas Day celebrations.  So you might riff on those expectations a bit.  If you have the opportunity to solicit answers and foster a bit…

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Philippians 4:4-7 Sermon Commentary

Advent 3C

We’ve already noted how the Year C RCL Epistolary lessons devote relatively scant attention to the first and second comings of Christ. But at least on the first two Sundays in Advent they mention Christ’s return by referring to “the day of the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 3:13; Philippians 1:6, 10) This Sunday’s Lesson doesn’t even…

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Isaiah 12:2-6 Sermon Commentary

Advent 3C

For the second Sunday in a row the Year C Advent Lectionary does not have an actual Psalm assigned but instead another psalm-like passage.  Last week it was Zechariah’s song from Luke 1 and today on this Third Advent Sunday it is a lyric passage from Isaiah 12.  This chapter of course follows on the…

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Luke 3:7-18 Sermon Commentary

Advent 3C

Comments, Questions, and Observations Throughout this passage, there is a contrast of powers for transformation. That contrast is most thoroughly set forth in the two baptisms John talks about—his and the one of the Messiah. One is like John himself, human; the other is filled with the power of God. One has power that is…

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Zephaniah 3:14-20 Sermon Commentary

Advent 3C

A Pastoral Word: The Christmas season can be difficult for those grieving, lonely, struggling financially.  In fact, any time of year is difficult for those in distress.  But the particular difficulty of Christmas is the temptation to throw tinsel and lights on the outside without attending to the realities on the inside.  For this reason,…

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Malachi 3:1-4 Sermon Commentary

Advent 2C

Commentary: Advent is most commonly referred to as a season of waiting. But the minor prophets don’t let us off that easy. They rightly point out that there is a world of difference between waiting and preparing.As little kids, we thought the waiting was the hard part. As adults, we’ve learned that waiting around with…

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