Sermon Commentary Library

Our weekly sermon commentaries are Lectionary-based, which across its three-year cycle, encompass a vast array of biblical texts. Filter the Sermon Commentary Library to search Scripture texts by book and chapter to find commentary, illustrations, and reflections to spark ideas.

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Malachi 3:1-4 Sermon Commentary

Advent 2C

Commentary: Advent is most commonly referred to as a season of waiting. But the minor prophets don’t let us off that easy. They rightly point out that there is a world of difference between waiting and preparing.As little kids, we thought the waiting was the hard part. As adults, we’ve learned that waiting around with…

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Philippians 1:3-11 Sermon Commentary

Advent 2C

As was the case last week and is the case throughout Advent, this week’s Revised Common Lectionary Epistolary Lesson seems to pay only minimal attention to that to which many of Jesus’ friends pay so much attention during December. Philippians 1 devotes little attention to Christ’s first and second comings. I previously suggested that this…

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Luke 1:68-79 Sermon Commentary

Advent 2C

We could call it Psalm 151.  Because that is what Zechariah’s song sounds like.  Not only does it sound like some of the actual 150 psalms in the Hebrew Psalter, it sounds very much like an Old Testament passage even though it is of course in the New Testament (which may be why the Year…

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Luke 3:1-6 Sermon Commentary

Advent 2C

Comments, Questions, and Observations With his list of the powerful, Luke establishes us well under the thumb of Roman rule. From Caesar and his representatives in Palestine and the surrounding regions, to the Roman supported high priests, there can be no doubt who is in charge in Jerusalem. The infamous Roman road system was not…

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1 Thessalonians 3:9-13 Sermon Commentary

Advent 1C

In Advent God’s dearly beloved people think about the ways in which God has graciously come, is coming and will come to us. However, during the month of December Jesus’ friends especially expend a lot of energy thinking about his first coming. The Church, at its best, also tries to direct at least some of…

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Psalm 25:1-10 Sermon Commentary

Advent 1C

The Revised Common Lectionary likes the first 10 or so verses of the 25th Psalm.  Psalm 25:1-9 or 1-10 occur at least once each in Years A, B, and C.  The last time we saw this was earlier in 2024 when these exact same verses were assigned for the First Sunday in Lent in Year…

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Luke 21:25-36 Sermon Commentary

Advent 1C

We open the Advent season by naming hardship and hope as our bedfellows. Jesus warns us that things will look and feel worse and worse—that chaos will threaten to overwhelm and even shake the foundations of heaven. Some of us will numb ourselves to the hardship, like how alcohol numbs our senses and thoughts so…

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Jeremiah 33:14-16 Sermon Commentary

Advent 1C

In Those Days… The first Sunday in Advent welcomes us into the work of waiting.  The first Sunday of Advent can often feel like a rude awakening.  In the US context, those who hold to a no-Christmas-music-until-after-Thanksgiving have likely already heard their favorite carols blaring over the loudspeakers at the shopping mall.  They may have…

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Revelation 1:4b-8 Sermon Commentary

Proper 29B

As I edit this, Donald Trump has been recently declared the United States’ 47th president. While this saddens if not angers a smidge less than 50% of his fellow countrymen, it thrills roughly the same number. Americans remain deeply divided in their opinion of president-elect Trump. Yet on this Christ the King Sunday, the Scriptures…

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